Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Race Card

This article was on Fox Sports:

It talks about how the race card is getting used way too often and abused. I completely agree. In the comments section for the article, there is a bunch of praise for what he says and then there are a couple comments scattered in that call the author (a black man) an uncle tom for voicing his opinion. Coincidentally, every single comment that calls him an Uncle Tom has at least 1 to 2 grammar, spelling, or typing errors. This comment was one in response to the Uncle Tom comments, and I don't think I could have said it any better.

There have been a few people on here calling Mr. Whitlock an "Uncle Tom".
This phrase needs to go. It's not only hackneyed but it stereotypes blacks
as having to be one kind of way. Furthermore, criticizing the actions of
people who are your same race does not make you a sellout. NOT criticizing
the damaging actions of people who are your same race simply BECAUSE they're
your same race - now that's being a sellout. If we feel something isn't right,
we should be allowed to voice that opinion without the probability of
Brilliantly said. As a minority who has grown up in predominantly white surroundings, it annoys me to no end how blacks try to use the race card as an excuse for everything. It seems like it is easier to just blame everybody for your shortcomings rather than take responsibility for them yourself. When an Asian fails a test, do they blame the test for being "culturally biased"? No, they say to themselves, "I didn't study hard enough," and they go and fix it.

I think a lot of AAs need to read or watch The Boondocks and pay closer attention to the social message. In the episode with Martin Luther King Jr., I love the comment MLK makes about how he, and the others that fought for civil rights, did not go through all of the beatings, arrests, and abuse for blacks to sit around and be handed things. Laziness is not a characteristic of culture but unfortunately it seems like it is quickly becoming one. I have the utmost respect for the African Americans that appreciate the freedoms and opportunities they have, whether or not they are completely equal to that of whites, and take advantage of them-get an education, work hard, get a good job, etc. It pisses me off when blacks use what happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago as an excuse to be lazy. Yes, racism is still alive. Yes, not all things are equal yet. Yes, the white man is afforded much more than minorities are. But things are a lot better now then they were. It is an incredible injustice to those that actually did fight for civil rights for you to sit around, be lazy, and not take advantage of all the freedoms and opportunities they won for you and your race. So quit your poorly written, poorly worded bitching, get off your lazy, welfare collecting ass and do something-get a job, get politically involved to make things more equal, just do SOMETHING!!

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