Friday, October 24, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Liberal is Anti-American?

In a recent interview Rep. Michele Bachmann, from Minnesota, basically calls out liberal democrats as "un-American" mostly because they see America as imperfect. I would argue that to see America as imperfect and work to make it better is the most American thing we can do. Our country was founded by men who questioned their government and fought to "form a more perfect union". These men were called seditionists and traitors, but it was because of them that we live in the country we love so dearly today. I would say that to become complacent and not question your government, to not hold it accountable for its actions, and to not work to make it better would be comparable to the loyalists of the revolutionary period, and therefore truly un-american.

Furthermore, the GOP has been accusing Obama of being socialist and questioning his patriotism because of his association with Ayers... what about the fact that Palin was a member of a political party that wanted Alaska to secede from the United States? I'm not sure but I believe when you want to leave the country you are apart of, that is the MOST un-american thing you can possible do. To question a government and to fight for change is one thing but to fight to leave a coutnry is a whole other thing!

If you can logically argue this, please do, because I am truly confused as to where the GOP gets off accusing Obama as being un-patriotic when their VP candidate wanted to leave the country?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dear Mom,

Thank you for not sucking as a parent. Seriously, what is wrong with some people?