Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I think that it's really refreshing that young Americans are getting so into this election and man! what a race it's turned out to be, right? I didn't vote until last night at 7 and I had to drive across town to do it but it was something that I felt so strongly about and it was something that I REALLY wanted to do so it was worth it.
I, obviously, have my own opinions about who I would like to win this thing but I think as long as you go out and vote and make your voice count, then that's a great start. Let's face facts, we are dying for a change. We're almost borderline obsessed with it as a country! I think it's a wonderful thing and I hope that it happens.

1 comment:

Secret Asian Man said...

I agree, and to all of you right-wing, republican fascists, who plan on going out and voting for Hillary in the remaining primaries because you think McCain has a better chance of beating... Go Eff Yourself!!