The Loaded Steakburger- loaded with crispy, baked potato topping, bacon, A1 steak Thick & Hearty Steak Sauce and a slice of American cheese on top of a 100% Angus Beef patty. (Courtesy of BK.com.)
Friday, May 23, 2008
13:00- 14:00
Burger King
I'm not sure why anyone thought this was a good idea but it was mission accomplished after today. I wanna give a special thanks to the indestructible organ that is my stomach and to my brain for being able to rationalize its way into and out of any situation.
Ok, so I was actually terrified of ordering this monstrosity and after the hot cashier with the black eyeliner asked me if I grew up in a house with casseroles, I was petrified. But being the brave soul that I am, I soldiered on with my boss right behind me. We ordered the same thing, the Loaded, not the regular which looked decent, Steakburger. Upon unwrapping and seeing this "edible burger" face to face, I realized that I made a big mistake. Huge. This thing was almost the size of my head and looked like the insides of someones insides. Smelled like it too.
I took my first bite and wasn't sure. Second bite, okay. Third bite, what oh what have I done? I think that musta been the first bite with the baked potato topping on it. The sandwich was also boobie trapped which was only appropriate because Burger King is promoting the new Indiana Jones movie. A rogue piece of bacon weaseled its way out of the bun and slapped me in the face, leaving a trail of A1 Thick and Hearty slime on my cheek. Don't worry tho, I rassled that thang back where it belonged, on the floor. It was hot.
I can honestly say that the Baconator killed the Steakburger. Hands down.
No contest. At least now I know that. You definitely need something to cleanse the palate afterward, I recommend ice cream but stick to the soft serve.
Moo: 1; Sandwiches: 1
Up next: Me vs. the Big Buford.
Pics and video coming soon...
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