So, my boyfriend bought season tickets for the Columbus Clippers this year and last night was the first chance we had to take in a game. It was the perfect evening for a ball game too! 4 of us (Micah, the bf, Patrick, Mike and myself) walked to Huntington Park (which by the way, I have totally started pronouncing Huntington like Jamie Oliver aka Hunt-ting-ton instead of the southern Ohio way I grew up saying it aka Hunnington. Hunt-ting-ton just is so fun to say.) and immediately were thrilled to realize that it was, drum roll pah-leeze, DIME A DOG night!!!! I for one, am an eater. I always have been and I have no shame in it. We all ordered 5 dogs, which is the limit so, between us we had 15. Micah and I were on the same order, but we divided the dogs up between the 4 of us. Micah and I also ordered cheese fries, beers and a pepsi. Mike got the same thing we did and Patrick, our good friend Patrick got all that and then purchased the most amazing thing I have eaten in a long time... FUNNEL CAKE FRIES! You guys, it tasted like strips of funnel cake covered with powered sugaaah! To the average non-dieter, it was a tasty treat. To a lady who has been on South Beach, phase 1, it was A-MAY-ZING! INCREDIBLE!! DEE-LISH-OUS!!! Thank God I wore roomy pants last night.
Ok, so after all that, we really started watching the game. (We have great seats for the season, to the left of home plate, behind the net.) Clippers (Cleveland affiliate) was playing the Louisville Bats (Cincinnati affiliate)so it was a fun game, esp. since I am an Indians fan and my boyfriend is a fan of the Red Legs. One of the "Bats" was up to bat, swung and WHAMMO! The bat went sailing through the net and crashed into the crowd. It bounced on the concrete aisle and then some brave soul caught it. It was intense. None of the four of us had ever seen that happen before. Pretty cool. And scary.
All in all, it was a great night. The Clippers won (I told Micah to suck it) and we walked home. I can't wait to do it again.
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