Bryan: new blog post
me: with emma?
Bryan: nope new one just posted
me: k
about what?\
Bryan: 1 in 4 teenage girls have an std, according to a 'new' study
from data in 2003
based on 838 girls
me: and the boys who gave them those stds?
Bryan: exactly
no mention
just read it
me: of course... i hate things. this is part of the reason i'm so jaded. no one takes fucking responsibility for anything! i blame society. this is why i can't handle things like this, porn, prostitution, etc. it literally makes me ill or irrationally angry to the point where it consumes me
and sorta makes me hate men. who wrote the article?
Bryan: simma down now
me: i can't
i was thinking a lot about sex and sex related shit over the weekend and it really frustrates me. a lot.
who wrote it? a woman?
Bryan: the study was by a woman
article is just AP
me: how convenient.
Bryan: ok added a followup to it
me: fine
me: you know i can't read things like that. it'll ruin my day even more so than just knowing it's out there
Bryan: lol
me: why is that funny?
rama and i are striking
Bryan: how much anger is in that little body of yours
me: because gas is 3.49
me: a lot... i mean, maybe you don't get it because you don't have a vagina but it's maddening. really, it is. and it's not the same for women. believe me, i'm not saying that we're all angels or anything but we in general we don't wanna pay for sex, oral or otherwise. and male strip clubs aren't that popular because again women don't wanna pay for it.
me: i don't have any real attachment to sex and maybe that's my own problem or lack of problem but i mean, think about this: what if your daughter or best friend or someone you really cared about starting stripping or putting out for money. how horrible? and then to have a man watch while you have sex or whatever with another man/ woman/ donkey, egging it on.... it's just unfathomable to me. Remember the scene is Requiem for a dream? And of course you can agrue that drug addicts will sell their soul for a fix and maybe that's true but they are still people.
Bryan: yeah, i agree for the most part
but i'm not sure i blame the person doing it as much as the person egging it on (paying money for it)
also keep in mind that most of the peopel that do it are screwed up to begin with
Bryan: i don't know if it's right to chastise all strippers, porn stars, etc.
they make really really good money, typically
me: they are basically one in the same, let's be honest here. if you're gonna pay for it, you're probably gonna egg it on and visa versa. i
so what
so do hitmen
Bryan: slow down your typing
me: what? why?
Bryan: "so do hit men"
me: yeah, make good money
they make good money
Bryan: oh got it
me: riiiight
Bryan: i don't know if you can generalize without knowing circumstance
belive me, i am the last person to say this
me: oh god... stop
Bryan: but i'm trying out this new thing sarah introduced me to called empathy
me: you do this everytime we talk about anything
and it's annoying
Bryan: so i should agree with you?
me: and my face is getting red and i'm sweating
Bryan: seriously, i think you're generalizing, maybe i'm missing the point of your argument which is very likely
me: you can agree disagree whatever but we are talking in glittering generalities here... that's all we have to go on
Bryan: but it seems like you're chastising strippers
me: do you know any strippers/ prostitutes that we can call and interview?
Bryan: no, but just because they take their clothes off for money makes them bad people?
me: when did i ever say anyone was a "bad person"?
like i said i blame society
Bryan: so are you just arguiong that the idea of it annoys you?
me: really and truely
Bryan: yeah, can agree with that
me: what?
Bryan: society as a whole is pretty sick
me: the idea of what?
me: whew!!!
rama says that you have to stop talking about things like this with me
me: there can be no supplier without a consumer and visa versa, i guess.
ok, i'm done. it's making me nuts!
me: also, i did in fact read the blog. Well done sir! Good form! Insightful and well written.
Bryan: thanks
assumptions and expectations... only lead to disappointment
i always questioned brad's theory on underpromising and overachieving but i'm seeing more and more merit in it.
me: i can understand the reasoning behind it but that's such a depressing outlook.
Bryan: no one ever gets in trouble for overachieving goals
but when people set too high of expectations or goals or people assume people will or are capable of something and they don't measure up, someone always gets hurt, upset, disappointed
so if you set your goals a step below what you know you can achieve then you can do nothing but overachieve
me: like i said, i understand the mechanics and the reasoning but still...
Bryan: agreed
it's more of a CYA kinda-thing
wow, who are we to criticize someone's human rights record, when our pres. just vetoed a bill to ban waterboarding?
me: college young adult, cat yoke applesauce, co-ed you ass?
what is waterboarding?
as long as it's not wakeboarding, we're clear.
Bryan: wow and by torcher i mean torchor
on a happier note
guess what I'm getting after work!!
me: i'm so confused... talking about torches and a made up word and i have no idea what you're getting.
Bryan: waterboarding - where they strap a person onto a board and just drop water on their head until they talk
August Rush on blu-ray
me: i figured that out but wtf does torchor mean?
Bryan: dude i can't spell
i barely passed my verbal GRE
give me a break
me: i still don't know what you were going for... torture?
Bryan: heyyyy there yuou go
man i suck
how did i graduate anything
i'm a failure
me: well, I'm SO over this day.
Elliot is too and he said that he already smoked 1000 cigs AND ate a bacon-nator. you know it's a bad day when both of those things happen.
Bryan: wow i didn't know people actually ordered and ate those
me: i'm not gonna do either even though i want too
oh yeah
Bryan: Seriously though
august rush came out today
and no country for old men
man i just volunteered to come into work for an hour and a half on saturday
Bryan: dude the more i read articles on MSN the more annoyed i get
some writer wrote that prince harry should have stayed in afgahnistan
and that his deployment was a strict PR stunt
me: That's why there was a media embargo on that fact? i mean, it couldn't have been a PR stunt... the Australian mag that 1st broke the news didn't know about the embargo. What were they suppose to be promoting? war?
silly, silly, ignorant people.
we should just post this convo as a blog
Bryan: do it
with the headline
"A day in the life of..."
Sent at 3:45 PM on Tuesday
me: ok
Sent at 3:49 PM on Tuesday
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A day in the life of...
gas prices,
prince harry,
research studies,
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