Happy Tuesday babes! It's a little sunnier here today in the capital city of Ohio but not really any warmer which is too bad. And really, it's not all that sunny. That's just me trying to be positive. Ok, so I have a new obsession...
It all started with TheSartorialist.com and it has gotten slightly outta control. The Sartorialist is a website chock full of beautiful photos taken by the fantastic Scott Schuman. Basically, this is a fashion blogs that captures unique and fabulous people that have stand out style. I love to wait and week and save of a weeks worth of pics before I scan them... it's hard for me not to look everyday but I try! The people he photographs are from NYC, Milano, London, Barcelona and of course, Paris. (There are other places as well but these are the heavy hitters.)
From there, I started reading the blog that is put out by Garance Dore who is just wonderful! She is a photographer as well but also writes about clothes. (She designed a t-shirt line for the Gap a few years back. She's just fantastic!) The blog is in French and English and just so dang cute! I love to read her essential items for a wardrobe and then read the readers responses as well. So fun!
And last week I found my newest gem! It's called My Style Pill and it is written by Christine Cameron who is adorbs! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog because she buys things 1) from places that I can get to and 2) that I can afford. I love the "remixes" that she does with her clothes... it really inspires you to shop your closet, as they say. In fact, I did just that yesterday and this morning. Maybe I'll post some pics later on to show you what I mean. It really rejuvenated me. It's sounds ridiculous, I know but it's TRUE! Plus, I got compliments from my man both days! And that makes a lady feel real good.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sorority T-shirts
I have SO many Delta Gamma t-shirts it's not right. I mean, I graduated from college 6 years ago and I still have SO many. Plus I get at least 2 new ones a year because I am the Recruitment advisor for my chapter. And the worst part? I can't get rid of them. For some reason on my lunch break today, I was thinking about dusting... that isn't code for anything. I was really thinking about dusting, you know with the pledge and a rag. And this got me thinking, can you see the light bulb over my head? Can you see where I'm going with this? It got me thinking about this particular Greek Week 2000 shirt that has stains all over it including the hard earned pit stains, that is ready to be put to pasture. I mean, it shouldn't be worn in private let along public; it's gross. So, yup, you guessed it! I can use it as a dust rag. Woohoo! I think me not being able to get rid of these shirts is because I can't waste anything. Now, no, I'm not a hoarded. My closet is color coded and most of my heels are kept in boxes. I have a separate closet for dress pants and dresses. My can goods are in alphabetical order. I am so type A about lots of stuff but I think I am also environmentally conscious so its hard to just throw away a perfectly (yeah, stained) t-shirt?! Oh, the horrah. The HORRAH. I just can't do it. It's not like those t-shirts hold that much in terms of sentimental value because they don't. I have too many of them for that excuse to work. I can sell them because who would buy them? As weird as it sounds, I wouldn't want a (gasp) non Delta Gamma to wear them! Such a dilemma I tell you, such. a. dilemma.
Well, hey, at least I got rid of one. Now, for the other 268...
Well, hey, at least I got rid of one. Now, for the other 268...
1st Clippers Game of 2010

So, my boyfriend bought season tickets for the Columbus Clippers this year and last night was the first chance we had to take in a game. It was the perfect evening for a ball game too! 4 of us (Micah, the bf, Patrick, Mike and myself) walked to Huntington Park (which by the way, I have totally started pronouncing Huntington like Jamie Oliver aka Hunt-ting-ton instead of the southern Ohio way I grew up saying it aka Hunnington. Hunt-ting-ton just is so fun to say.) and immediately were thrilled to realize that it was, drum roll pah-leeze, DIME A DOG night!!!! I for one, am an eater. I always have been and I have no shame in it. We all ordered 5 dogs, which is the limit so, between us we had 15. Micah and I were on the same order, but we divided the dogs up between the 4 of us. Micah and I also ordered cheese fries, beers and a pepsi. Mike got the same thing we did and Patrick, our good friend Patrick got all that and then purchased the most amazing thing I have eaten in a long time... FUNNEL CAKE FRIES! You guys, it tasted like strips of funnel cake covered with powered sugaaah! To the average non-dieter, it was a tasty treat. To a lady who has been on South Beach, phase 1, it was A-MAY-ZING! INCREDIBLE!! DEE-LISH-OUS!!! Thank God I wore roomy pants last night.
Ok, so after all that, we really started watching the game. (We have great seats for the season, to the left of home plate, behind the net.) Clippers (Cleveland affiliate) was playing the Louisville Bats (Cincinnati affiliate)so it was a fun game, esp. since I am an Indians fan and my boyfriend is a fan of the Red Legs. One of the "Bats" was up to bat, swung and WHAMMO! The bat went sailing through the net and crashed into the crowd. It bounced on the concrete aisle and then some brave soul caught it. It was intense. None of the four of us had ever seen that happen before. Pretty cool. And scary.
All in all, it was a great night. The Clippers won (I told Micah to suck it) and we walked home. I can't wait to do it again.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Bobs and beans.
It is a little known fact that I am a bean lover. That's right, I LOVE beans! Any kind. I'm talking green, pinto, lima (yes, even the most hated bean of all, the lima), kidney, white, garbanzo and navy. And all the others I missed. I just think they are a cheap, hearty, good eat... not to mention good for you. And as the rhyme goes, they are pretty magical to boot.
It is a yucky rainy day here in central Ah-hi-ya (Ohio you guys, c'mon!) and all I wanted for lunch was beans. Which, as it turns out, is really lucky because they are on the approved foods list that I can eat off of... let me back up. I started the South Beach diet a week and a half ago because I could no longer fit into my favorite jeans and it was just a drag. Plus, it's really just time to shed the winter layer of comfy warm blubber. Ok, so yeah, beans... I decided to take a drive down to the local Bob Evans and get some bean soup. It was amazing. I didn't even have to salt them. Or pepper them for that matter. They. were. perfect. Totally hit the spot on this rainy afternoon.
Ok, so, they is a certain crowd that dines at Bob Evans. No, I'm not talking about the cute little grannies with their rain-kerchiefs but they were there also. I'm talking about the work boot wearing, wangler jeans loving crowd. I swear, I could walk into a Bob Evans anywhere in the country and instantly be transported back to Gallia county. It's sweet, weird feeling... sorta homey. I like it.
It is also a reminder, for me, of the mining incident that happen in West Virgina this week. I have known people who have died in mining accidents and it is a terrible thing to go through. You often times have no body because either it couldn't be found or because it was found in pieces. My thoughts and prayers are with those families who are suffering with the loss of a loved one or who are distraught with worry wondering if their loved one is alive.
I don't think people realize that coal mining is such a risky and dangerous job, mainly because it doesn't directly effect us. We just enjoyed the benefits of this resource without ever thinking "Hey, I wonder how this got here?" I believe that these men, for the most part, love what they have chosen to do with their lives. Coal mining is unlike any other job anywhere. So thank you to all of you out there, choosing to go down, day after day and mine. Be safe and keep the faith.
It is a yucky rainy day here in central Ah-hi-ya (Ohio you guys, c'mon!) and all I wanted for lunch was beans. Which, as it turns out, is really lucky because they are on the approved foods list that I can eat off of... let me back up. I started the South Beach diet a week and a half ago because I could no longer fit into my favorite jeans and it was just a drag. Plus, it's really just time to shed the winter layer of comfy warm blubber. Ok, so yeah, beans... I decided to take a drive down to the local Bob Evans and get some bean soup. It was amazing. I didn't even have to salt them. Or pepper them for that matter. They. were. perfect. Totally hit the spot on this rainy afternoon.
Ok, so, they is a certain crowd that dines at Bob Evans. No, I'm not talking about the cute little grannies with their rain-kerchiefs but they were there also. I'm talking about the work boot wearing, wangler jeans loving crowd. I swear, I could walk into a Bob Evans anywhere in the country and instantly be transported back to Gallia county. It's sweet, weird feeling... sorta homey. I like it.
It is also a reminder, for me, of the mining incident that happen in West Virgina this week. I have known people who have died in mining accidents and it is a terrible thing to go through. You often times have no body because either it couldn't be found or because it was found in pieces. My thoughts and prayers are with those families who are suffering with the loss of a loved one or who are distraught with worry wondering if their loved one is alive.
I don't think people realize that coal mining is such a risky and dangerous job, mainly because it doesn't directly effect us. We just enjoyed the benefits of this resource without ever thinking "Hey, I wonder how this got here?" I believe that these men, for the most part, love what they have chosen to do with their lives. Coal mining is unlike any other job anywhere. So thank you to all of you out there, choosing to go down, day after day and mine. Be safe and keep the faith.
Friday, September 4, 2009
1st OSU game of the season...
This is my absolute 100% favorite time of the year... the air is full of hope and dreams, dreams of a national championship and hopes of beating Michigan. The bars are full of freshmen and beer. My head is full of bad decisions, many of which I will talk myself into and out of before the season is over.
For the first game, mother nature and the elements are on our side. The sun is always out and there is no need for jackets. Everyone is a good mood and the street meat is all around. People that detest each other in real life get along on game day. That's right friends, put those differences aside and cheer on the home team!
I'm excited for all that, no doubt about it but I am also excited because now not only am I checking out the talent on the field, but off the field as well. I'm ready to tackle my own tight end... operation "GLBO" is in full swing. There are so many new and challenging options for this fall. I can barely contain my excitement!
If I see you tomorrow, please except this apology in advance. And as always, GO BUCKS!!!
For the first game, mother nature and the elements are on our side. The sun is always out and there is no need for jackets. Everyone is a good mood and the street meat is all around. People that detest each other in real life get along on game day. That's right friends, put those differences aside and cheer on the home team!
I'm excited for all that, no doubt about it but I am also excited because now not only am I checking out the talent on the field, but off the field as well. I'm ready to tackle my own tight end... operation "GLBO" is in full swing. There are so many new and challenging options for this fall. I can barely contain my excitement!
If I see you tomorrow, please except this apology in advance. And as always, GO BUCKS!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Ohhh the New Year
I love the start of the New Year. I really do. Even though I still tend to think of the year as an elementary child, you know starting in September and ending in June. And the rest of the time is when I should be on vacation. As my dad likes to say, "It's hell to get old."
My NYE was a tad different this year, for starters, I wasn't with a certain Asian. And for seconders, I wasn't in Chicago. And for thirders, I didn't make a fool outta myself. (See, starting the new year off acting like a mature, classy, lady who is full of grace.)
I have a good feeling about 2009 and being 28 this year. Dang. 28. I gotta let that one sink in for a sec...
Ok, that's a little better. Ok, so for my new year's resolutions... shall we begin?
* Improve posture (currently doing that as we speak!)
* Blog more (yeah, yeah, Jan. was a bust but in my defense, it twas my birthday month.)
* Send more birthday cards. On time.
* Call my grandparents more.
* Complain less.
* Listen to more classical music.
* Take more walks.
* Do more with my lil Sis.
I usually like to have 7 so I think I'll stop with 8. I didn't put my usual "work out more" and "smoke/ drink less" because I'm actually doing those things right now. Shocking, I know. Sometimes, I don't even recognize myself. Or maybe it's just been a looooong time since I've felt so much like my old self. I feel like I'm having an Oprah "a-HA" moment.
My NYE was a tad different this year, for starters, I wasn't with a certain Asian. And for seconders, I wasn't in Chicago. And for thirders, I didn't make a fool outta myself. (See, starting the new year off acting like a mature, classy, lady who is full of grace.)
I have a good feeling about 2009 and being 28 this year. Dang. 28. I gotta let that one sink in for a sec...
Ok, that's a little better. Ok, so for my new year's resolutions... shall we begin?
* Improve posture (currently doing that as we speak!)
* Blog more (yeah, yeah, Jan. was a bust but in my defense, it twas my birthday month.)
* Send more birthday cards. On time.
* Call my grandparents more.
* Complain less.
* Listen to more classical music.
* Take more walks.
* Do more with my lil Sis.
I usually like to have 7 so I think I'll stop with 8. I didn't put my usual "work out more" and "smoke/ drink less" because I'm actually doing those things right now. Shocking, I know. Sometimes, I don't even recognize myself. Or maybe it's just been a looooong time since I've felt so much like my old self. I feel like I'm having an Oprah "a-HA" moment.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Work Holiday Party
Last Friday was my office Christmas party... let me give you a little insight into the company that I work for. It is a cross between Hooters (delightfully tacky) and Dunder Mifflin. Seriously. We have one of those GIANT blow-up Santa's, who is holding a gift that spins, in the entryway to our office. Classy, I know. Our party was held, ta da, at the office! Because you know, after I've worked 8 hours there, going back after being off for an hour and a half, that sounds like the BEST idea. EVER. We also had to bring a dish and prepare an entertainment. Don't ask. So our sick President, we'll call her "White Tiger", who wasn't at work all week, decided she was going to make lamb chops for every one's dining pleasure. Sick woman (who is using "old country tricks" like hot water and mustard on her feet to get better) + meat = second best idea. EVER. We were also getting something called Muscat wine. Hilarity was going to ensue. No question.
I, was fortunate enough to house/dog sit the night of the party and totally got out of going. I was relaxing on the couch when my supervisor, Mr. Ma-Chine, texted me, saying "you gotta get over here, the White Tiger is shitfaced". Weeeell, ok! Now you're talking. I couldn't resist.
What I walked into, I was not ready for. Our Peruvian secretary was screaming at everyone to stop calling her a Mexican, which no one was doing. She was 100% totally smashed, complete with bobbing and weaving motions while seating in her chair. She also started spitting on floor. Because "whad da eff you gon do bout it beeetch" so why not, right? That's normally why I spit too. Someone brought their child, and this child decided to sing "Jingle Bombs" and do a routine in which she portrays a terrorist. Highly PC and appropriate, considering one staff member is Muslim.
All the cool kids (Mr. Ma-Chine, his BF J, the Frenchman and his Quinoa, Ms. Angela Martin, Chop and his BF, De-Ron and Branch) were all sitting on one side of the room, away from everyone else so I saddled up and took my seat between Ma-Chine and J and got caught up on the party gossip.
Apparently, the White Tiger bit. it. during Havana-Gila. I mean, face plant on a table. Her attire did not help her cause either. As Ma-Chine said, it was like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb. bag. Someones husband taught everyone to make guns out of paper. The Peruvian secretary humped some people on the dance floor and then a trashcan. I was stalked by the girl child who was brought to the party by her mother and father. I hate them for that. She was telling everyone we were sisters. I really hated that. You know how I feel about children.
At the end of the party, the cool kids were the only ones left and we sat around and talked trash about everyone. Tis the season!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
I, was fortunate enough to house/dog sit the night of the party and totally got out of going. I was relaxing on the couch when my supervisor, Mr. Ma-Chine, texted me, saying "you gotta get over here, the White Tiger is shitfaced". Weeeell, ok! Now you're talking. I couldn't resist.
What I walked into, I was not ready for. Our Peruvian secretary was screaming at everyone to stop calling her a Mexican, which no one was doing. She was 100% totally smashed, complete with bobbing and weaving motions while seating in her chair. She also started spitting on floor. Because "whad da eff you gon do bout it beeetch" so why not, right? That's normally why I spit too. Someone brought their child, and this child decided to sing "Jingle Bombs" and do a routine in which she portrays a terrorist. Highly PC and appropriate, considering one staff member is Muslim.
All the cool kids (Mr. Ma-Chine, his BF J, the Frenchman and his Quinoa, Ms. Angela Martin, Chop and his BF, De-Ron and Branch) were all sitting on one side of the room, away from everyone else so I saddled up and took my seat between Ma-Chine and J and got caught up on the party gossip.
Apparently, the White Tiger bit. it. during Havana-Gila. I mean, face plant on a table. Her attire did not help her cause either. As Ma-Chine said, it was like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb. bag. Someones husband taught everyone to make guns out of paper. The Peruvian secretary humped some people on the dance floor and then a trashcan. I was stalked by the girl child who was brought to the party by her mother and father. I hate them for that. She was telling everyone we were sisters. I really hated that. You know how I feel about children.
At the end of the party, the cool kids were the only ones left and we sat around and talked trash about everyone. Tis the season!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
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